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Rod Frederick

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Regular price $225.00
Regular price Sale price $225.00

Height20.63 inxWidth 14.63 in

Limited Edition of: 2500



All of these creatures are located in the Pacific Northwest. The birds on the left side and middle are Anna Hummingbirds. The one on the right is a Rufous Hummingbird which lives the furthest north of all the hummingbirds. It breeds as far north as Alaska.

Hummingbirds by nature are generally warm weather creatures. As a rule, most of them are tropical. They are only found in the New World, specifically North and South America and a few species in the Caribbean but no hummingbirds exist in Africa, Asia or anywhere else.

The flower the Anna is feeding off is a Cinquifoil which is a common flower growing in Canada and throughout the California alpine areas and mountain meadows. The red flowers are India Paintbrush which is another widespread, common flower. It's a variety of wildflower that makes meadows come to life in the summertime together with butterflies, tree frogs and other colorful wildlife.

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