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Rod Frederick

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Regular price $135.00
Regular price Sale price $135.00

Height20.5 inxWidth 18.75 in

Limited Edition of: 1500



Deep woods have always evoked a feeling of the unknown. In the enclosure of tall fir trees, limited visibility almost demands that the sense of hearing take over. At twilight it seems that the senses must be relied on even more heavily. As fresh snow falls, old and new trails are covered just about as quickly as they are made. The deep snow acts as a buffer reducing the intensity of all sounds in this already quiet environment.

Almost ghost-like, the gray wolf is silently on the move, ever attentive to the slightest sound. The Alpha male, followed closely by his mate, has sensed the presence of something nearby. It could be the crackling of branches under the weight of too much snow. It may be the wind blowing through the timbers. It may just be the silent but obvious snow fall. Or perhaps it's an intruder. You can be certain that these intriguing creatures will know the source of the "Sounds of Twilight."

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