Out On A Limb
Rod Frederick
Sold Out
Height15.06 inxWidth 22 in
Limited Edition of: 1250
One of the most interesting, if not the most beautiful, of North America's birds has to be the wood duck. The striking patterns of iridescent purples, blues and greens make the drake appear almost doll-like. Although lacking the gaudy plumage of her mate, the hen also would hardly go unnoticed. It is always exciting to see such a handsome pair of birds, especially when perched high on the mossy limb of a tree.
"Woodies" are common throughout much of North America, frequenting wooded ponds and rivers, including many city parks. In winter they are often seen in large flocks, but in early spring they begin to pair up in preparation for nesting. Wood ducks usually choose a natural hollow high in a tree; sometimes the holes are crafted by woodpeckers. When the eggs hatch the little ducklings follow their mother out of the nest, dropping several feet to the forest floor and landing unharmed on their downy bellies!
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