Aviation and Space
Sunrise Encounter
Keith Ferris
Sold Out
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Height20 inxWidth 20 in
Limited Edition of: 1000
"The F-16 is the new generation fighter-bomber. It's totally computerized like a spaceship. It's clean and aerodynamic . . . and does it perform! Compared to the earlier F-4, which it replaces, it has twice the acceleration, can turn in roughly half the radius and has two to three times the range. This F-16 is assigned to the 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 388th Tactical Wing, Hill Air Force Base in Utah.
The action takes place on a training mission over the Nellis Range north of Las Vegas. I chose the afterburner view of the plane for several reasons: first, because it emphasizes the fantastic 25,000-pound thrust engine. The viewer can see all of the control inputs - elevators, rudder, 'flaperons' and leading edge flaps. It also shows off the unit markings, armaments and the 360-degree view the pilot has from his bubble canopy. This F-16 is rolling opposite his opponents' line of flight. The pilot will outmaneuver the two 'aggressor' F-5's below by staying inside their turn . . . and emerge the victor in this 'Sunrise Encounter.'"
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