Frank C. McCarthy
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Height15.63 inxWidth 30 in
Limited Edition of: 650
It is 1886 and the B Troop of the 4th Cavalry is heading southwest next to the Huachua Mountains, just outside of Sierra Vista. The mountains go right up from the fort. It's an excellent area with good water, a lot of grass, rolling hills and the valley off to the side runs north and south toward Mexico.
The Apaches used that valley to go on raids into Mexico which is why that fort was probably located there. The Apache campaign lasted quite a while and was a vigorous one. There is one Apache scout to the rear left, indicating that they are chasing Apache. It takes an Apache to catch one.
Their pistols are drawn and they are in pursuit. The cavalry charge is normally in a straight line and then they come forward but on broken ground like this, the horses get separated from each other and some fall behind. No two horses are alike as far as speed is concerned.
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